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Payment and Ordering

  1. Create a FRUITBROTHERS account
  2. Log in to your FRUITBROTHERS account
  3. Click on the product you wish to purchase
  4. Click on the kg/item quantity & add it to your shopping cart. (Be aware that some prices are for each item individually, and some prices are by the kilo).
  5. When you have finished shopping, go to checkout
  6. Confirm your order, your delivery address/instructions and select your preferred payment method
  7. Confirm your preferred delivery day and complete your order
  8. Loyalty points expire 31st December each year. Your points start calculating again from zero as of 1st January.
    FRUITBROTHERS will send you a confirmation email with your order and delivery date. There is no need to reply to the email.

Please enter the amount you would like in decimal format. For example if you would like 500 grams of something enter 0.5kg

We have 2 payment options available – PayPal or Credit Card.

It is possible that at times a specific item is not available due to seasonal fluctuations, weather conditions, transport problems or even that the item did not meet our quality standards on the day. In this very rare instance, you will be notified of unavailable products on your order receipt and a credit will be applied to your account.

The minimum amount you can order is $60.

You will have the chance to review your order before you make your payment. You can then go back and make the changes, then resubmit your order. If you have still made a mistake after payment, contact office on 02 4023 0283 or via email

We do not have organic products at this stage.


Our box fee helps us deliver fresh fruit direct to your door. The fee takes care of expenses such as:

  • Fruit Brothers box (made from recycled cardboard)
  • If meat is ordered, a meat box will be supplied
  • Ice pack (if cold items are ordered)
  • Other miscellaneous expenses such as tape, stickers, etc

It is very hard for us to judge how many boxes your order will be, however based on experience every $100 is charged for another box.

We deliver to homes, restaurants, cafes, clubs, and other businesses.

We deliver to all areas of Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Maitland & Port Stephens. Please check the delivery map

Newcastle & Lake Macquarie – Delivery is FREE for all orders over $150. For orders under $150 you will be charged a delivery fee, All other locations please read delivery map to see fee’s applied.

All deliveries will be before 6pm Monday through to Saturday unless otherwise stated.

You can leave a comment when you place your order in the delivery instructions. We will do our best to meet this time however it cannot be guaranteed.

Your order will arrive in a recycled box. This ensures that your goods are kept cool and fresh until they are unpacked.

If you order meat or fridge items your delivery will come with an ice pack.

There is no need for someone to be at home for delivery

You can leave a short Delivery Instruction on your order, telling the delivery person where to leave your goods if you are not at home. It only needs to be short and to the point, for example: “Go through side gate and leave in shady spot by back door.”

Your goods are delivered in recycled boxes, and because the food is so fresh, it will last several hours un-refrigerated. We recommend making a clear path to a cool shady place in your front or back yard.

We do not deliver on public holidays. If your delivery day happens to fall on a public holiday please contact us via phone or email and we will arrange an alternative delivery day.

Please leave your empty delivery box where the delivery person can see it and take it with them to be cleaned and reused.

Fruit & Veg Boxes

Our Mixed Fruit & Veg $75 box we say would suit a household consisting of 4-6 people.

It Includes: In season fruit and veggies.

For example:

  • Potatoes, carrots, zucchini, cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, pumpkin, corn, apples, bananas.
  • Seasonal fruits such as mandarins, oranges, strawberry, pears, mangoes etc.

Yes, if there’s something that you don’t want or something you would definitely like in your box simply write it in the comments section when ordering. It is difficult for our packers to know that you do not like corn but want more carrots unless stated for example.

Our boxes change from week to week depending on what time of the year and what’s best value for our customers.

If you have any more questions please do not hesitate to contact our office on 02 4023 0283 or via email on